Day 13: Slacking

I am so sorry for my slacking on blogging. I feel like life not only has picked up but gotten so much better. I can see God in my life like I never have. It’s been so overwhelming to have this revitalized relationship with my Father again.

I feel like I could blog about so much right now. Instead, I want to give a summary of what the next couple of blogs will be about. I am looking forward to writing these next few. I will be writing:

-A Letter to Piedmont Women’s Center
-My Future Plans
-Closing Remarks
-(Mini Series) Dear Hudsyn

Hopefully in the midst of the craziness, I can get back to writing every day until Commencement.

God is good.


Day 15: Overwhelmed

I was brought to tears multiple times today because of God’s goodness in my life and the lives around me.

Imagine how good God is in your life right now. Now, imagine ten times the amount of that goodness. Something I realized today was that God’s goodness reaches far deeper into our lives than we will ever realize. His goodness surpasses all of our expectations.

I am coming to the end of my undergraduate career and can’t help but feel so blessed and loved by my almighty Father.

He has placed me where He wants me when He wants with whom He wants me.

I can rest forever in Him.


Day 19: Easter

What. An. Incredible. Day.

The service at Grace Bible was amazing. I can’t believe that this is my third Easter at Grace Bible of Moore. I am going to miss my church here in South Carolina terribly! Today’s service was once again thought provoking and challenging to me. God is risen from the grave!

The rest of the day was incredible. As I enter under 20 days of undergrad, I want to surround myself with those who love God and love others. God has answered that for me in the last month or two and provided some of the most encouraging people. I have had so many fun adventures just within the past few weeks. I feel like I’m actually doing college correctly now. Anyway, this day was full of the reminder of a risen Lord, great conversations, and many fun memories. I am so thankful.

Here are a few photos from the day. (All photos were taken with my iPhone 5):








We are under three weeks, Ladies and Gentlemen! I cannot believe that Commencement is just three weeks away. I am so excited about so much. I am definitely a little nervous but more so excited.

Before Commencement comes, there is still plenty to get done. Just a few more things to tie up before we can walk across the stage. I need to get in my three last weeks at Grace Bible. I am once again excited about going to church tomorrow but more so because it is Easter.

Everything. I mean, everything would be so different if I served a King who didn’t live. My life would be completely opposite if He were not a living God.

Even the grave couldn’t stop my God. How incredible and amazing is that fact? He was and is control, and because He was and is in control I can rest on Him and His promises.

God is living around is and within us.


Day 22: Late but Never Too Late

It’s been so, so refreshing to be excited about life again. God is good. That’s all needs to be said. I have three weeks to do college the way it was supposed to be done. There’s freedom in trusting the One who gives ultimate freedom.

I’ll keep this short since I didn’t have time yesterday to write. I may be somewhat late to this game called life but I am most definitely not too late. The next twenty-two years will look so extremely different than the first twenty-two years. He has redeemed me, because he loves me.

Here goes nothing.

Three weeks.


Day 23: Facebook Friends

I was in the car today with a friend and the topic of social media and Christianity came up. We noticed a trend of the “Facebook Friend” relationship with Jesus. One moment an individual is putting verses up on Facebook the next minute they are deliberately playing two girls in two different relationships.

There’s this facade at times that on social media sites people are all about the things of God but in reality they are cynical, self centered, and just plain mean. Well, it made me think of what and how I’ve posted in the past. In my own life, I’ve tried to save face and never put anything up negative or real. Until recently, this has been an avenue of healing for me.

I have made plenty of mistakes in relationships. I’ve gone after the projects and the personality flips. However, they’ve all ended the same. In the past, I was able to help them to a certain degree and then I realized how it brought me down in many different respects. I’ve learned so much about myself lately through the church, people, and my counselor. I’ve learned many different aspects of my relational side. For now, I’m content and satisfied. I am more in love with God than I ever have been. Realizing the wrong people I’ve strived and pursued after were wrong for more than several reasons for me. God can never be wrong for me. He’s the only right one for me.

Alyssa Nicole.

Day 24: Energizer Bunny

As I sat in the doctor’s office this afternoon, I couldn’t help but think about how incredibly frustrating it was to be sick yet again. I wanted so badly to finish strong and happy as I walked across the stage to receive my diploma on May 9th.

And of course, God had a different plan for me. He wanted to Glorify His name through my health once again. I know I need the change of pace. I know I tend to be known as the Energizer Bunny. I keep going and going and going and going. I like staying busy, but something I’ve learned through college is that staying busy shouldn’t be a source of comfort or stability. I have to continue to rely on God every moment of every day. I have to find joy whether I’m resting, running, or eating (every couple of days). I know that God will continue to supply our needs. He knows what I can handle and gives Grace to sustain me.

As I start this antibiotic for my respiratory infection and continue to take my other medications, I can’t help but completely lean on God to be my source of joy and strength as I have nothing more to give of my body.

Twenty-four days and that’s it. This phase of undergraduate studies will come to a conclusion. I will have given it my all through His grace. Twenty-four more days to live in faith that God will continue to supply every need.

He is good.


Day 25: Reflection

I have enjoyed reflecting on my years here at school the last several weeks. I get so overwhelmed when I begin to think about how God has sovereignly ordained everything in my life. I’m not sure if it’s because commencement is approaching, but I have had so many opportunities of reflection just in the past week or so.

As I sat in the office of my internship supervisor, we began to joke about how life often looks like it could be a novel or a movie. God has a storyline for each of our lives. He glorifies Himself in our different talents and most importantly our different weaknesses and shortcomings. God perfectly orchestrates each of our lives. God has perfectly orchestrated everything in my life the past 22 years. Nothing was out of God’s will. Nothing thwarted God’s will not even me and my mistakes. God has chosen a path for my life and even though times seemed as dark as ever the light of His Word and Grace were so bright.

Maybe, just maybe blogging was a channel of Grace in order to help me see God and His bigger picture. As I write each night and reflect, it’s so hard to complain when I look back on my day and see God everywhere. His grace is sufficient through every minute of success and every minute of defeat.

I hope I never lose my wonder and awe of God’s sovereignty in my life and those lives around me. His will and His way are perfect.


Day 27: Old Taylor’s Mill

In between resting and getting homework done, I met some really cool people that had traveled to Nepal with Tiny Hands. We talked nonprofits and Jesus over coffee. It was one of the best Saturdays even though I’m having to take it easy because of my health again. God knows exactly what I need physically and spiritually. It’s amazing.

Enjoy this photoblog of our adventures. All photographs were taken with the iPhone 5.
















