First off, I am SO thankful for the opportunity to help a young woman understand the Gospel for herself. How humbling that God gave me the ability to speak truth and knowledge that she needed to hear. I am still overwhelmed that I have another sister in Christ.

Second of all, today could not have been better. Between internship in the morning, Greer in the afternoon, counseling with Lynn, and Grace Group at the Gomers – my day was filled with God’s people and amazing memories.

Lastly, I am excited about life. Content in this moment and in this process because through Christ anything is possible. How often does my faithlessness become obvious? My God is so grand and amazing and yet at times I expect so little. He is a God of wonder and awe. He is perfect in who He is and what He does. Salvation has made it possible to have such a grand relationship with the King of Kings. Hearing and speaking the gospel today made me really hear the Gospel again for myself. What a God to have died for a person like me!

What a cost! What a love!
We stand FORGIVEN at the CROSS!

Thank you, Sovereign Lord, for the past month. I thank you for allowing me to cling to Your Cross and Your strength. I give this next month to you for you to use in however you please. I want so badly to trust you more and more. Thank you for finishing it. Thank you for the freedom I find only in You.


Day 31: Investment

Have you ever thought about all of things you invest your time, effort, money and emotions on? What do you constantly day in and day out strive towards? For me, it’s been a handful of things. Not at all were bad either. In fact, most were not bad. I range anywhere from relational investment to career investment.

Often times, we see the return on our investment. However, there are times that we realize that our investment and return are complete opposites. The more the investment often means the more the risk involved. I would like to characterize myself as a risk taker, but I know there are plenty of times that the commitment scares me.

Although I am currently taking risks on many fronts of my life, I know that there is no risk in fully committing to living the life of faith. God’s love is unconditional. He doesn’t stop loving us just because we start to wander or begin to try to do things ourselves. His love endures through all generations. There’s nothing I can do to pluck myself out of His hand. I can invest my life to faith and grace and I will never be disappointed in the return. In fact, the return will be much greater than the investment. Every time.

I am His, and He is mine.


Day 32: The Day Planner Day

6:30 a.m. – Read Bible and Pray

7:15 a.m. – Force myself back to sleep

7:45 a.m. – Turn Alarm to Snooze

7:55 a.m. – Turn Alarm to Snooze

8:00 a.m. – Turn Alarm Off

8:10 a.m. – Finally get out of bed

8:12 a.m. – Turn Worship music on

8:14 a.m. – Jump into shower

8:25 a.m. – Get dressed

8:40 a.m. – Vacuum room

8:45 a.m. – Leave room for 9:00 class

9:00-9:50 a.m. – Class

10:00-10:50 – Breakfast & Jesus Talks with Marg

11:00-11:35 – Chapel

11:45- 1:55 p.m. – Phone and Skype Interview with my Dream Job (Details To Come AH!)

2:00-3:20 p.m. – Lunch and talks of Jesus with MJ

3:30-3:45 p.m. – Get ready

4:00-8:00 p.m. – Design fundraiser invitations to be mailed and emailed, set-up Greenville County Republican Party Meeting, listen to Candidates present, Meet cool people, Shadow Somer

8:00-8:15 p.m. – Coffee Run with Marg

8:30-10:00 p.m. – Meeting for presentation tomorrow with GT.

10:00-10:30 p.m. – Edit and Print paperwork

10:45-10:50 p.m. – Prayer Group

10:51-11:00 p.m. – Organize and Answer Emails

11:00 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. – Check Day Planner to make sure I didn’t miss anything…

11:45-11:59 p.m. – Write the Day Planner Day


Day 33: This Week

Yes, this week seems daunting on so many different levels. I know obeying God takes little steps of faith and so does trusting God in whatever comes my way this week. I could easily be overwhelmed by this week. However, God is enabling me to have a very strange peace and calm tonight. I may come to the end of this week even more burned out. In fact, I am sure of it with the start of my political internship tomorrow. 

I know this week will be warfare. I also know that God is the enabler and provider. This week will have its ups and down just like any other week. This week will mark one month to Commencement. This week will mark some of the last chapter tests, projects, and presentations I’ll ever have at this university. This week will mark the success or failure of an interview of my dream job. Yet, there is rest. Rest in God alone.

Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life. Ecclesiastes 7:14

God, you are MY God. I commit this week to you. Help me to rest in You. Help my wandering heart to hold fast to You.

|| A ||

Day 34: Celebration

I had the awesome opportunity to celebrate a very special person to me! Lauren, I am so excited for you and Tim. Today was a lot of fun!

Enjoy the photographs of the celebration!





























Lauren, I am so thankful for you. I am thankful for your listening ear and your GIANT hugs. You truly are one of a kind, and I am IMMENSELY blessed to have you in my life and much more in your wedding! I cannot wait for that day. You will be stunning. Thank you for showing God’s Grace in our three year friendship. I pray that your marriage to Tim will be centered around love and grace which I see already. Thanks for being a sister to me.

Aly A.

Day 37: Thematic

I can’t help but be constantly observing everything going on right now. Nowadays, I’ll observe then react. Lately, everything feels thematic in one way or another. I feel like from week to week, day to day, hour to hour, and minute by minute things have a way of connecting to each other. For me, it’s been recurring passages of Scripture. God has been challenging my concept of trust in Him. Today the book of Mark has showed up three times. I heard a passage of Mark in chapel, a verse in Grace Group tonight, and a mention in the book Trusting God that my roommates and I are going through on Wednesdays and Sundays. Clearly, I’m needing to focus on Mark.

One verse that has been on my mind all day:

Mark 8:35, “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.”

Boy, I am one to try to hang on with dear life to the life that I think I am supposed to have. When things are going perfectly as planned, I am just a giddy human being. When things take a turn in an expected way, I get so worn and down. It gets to be ridiculous after a while. According to Mark 8:35, I am to give up my life. Give it up. Give it ALL up. Give it up so that I can save it.

I’ve asked myself what that looks like specifically in my life. For me, it means doing hard things. For me, it means denying myself of what I think I want. For me, it means dropping the fake smile in order to be honest so that I can possibly help another sister or brother in need. For me, it means blogging the process. For me, it means finding my joy and identity in my awesome God. For you, it may look differently. For you, it may be starting a blog. For you, it may be a change of cynicism to joy and thankful spirit. For you, it may be a Twitter sabbatical. For you, it may be actually doing your homework. What ever it is – be sensitive to what it takes.

God brings different themes of who He is at different times for all us. I love seeing people’s tweets, statuses, and blog posts of what God is teaching to them. We have this life. We have this life and then eternity with our God. James 4:14 says, “How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.”

Do hard things. Trust God and His refining process.

|| Alyssa Nicole ||


Day 38: Too Much

There is just too much on my mind to be able to focus today. Between being sent dozens of photos of my beautiful Hudsyn and trying to focus on the tasks at hand, today was a blur. If I could list out what is all on my mind, I think this might be one of the longest posts I’d ever write. 

I think if there is anything that would arch over everything on my mind it would be the overwhelming feeling of thankfulness. I feel so immensely blessed today. God has been so good to me and my family. Sure, we have had our very difficult times. The past month for me has been nothing but clinging to the cross. However, it still amazes me how much God really does care for me. I love Hudsyn so much already, and she hasn’t even spoken words to me yet. How much more does God love me and us that He would die on the cross for us and liberate us from lives doomed to judgment. The simplest of messages of the Bible, the Gospel. I can’t help but just keep this post short and sweet.

Jesus loves me. He loves me more than I’ll ever realize. 

Psalm 63:3 Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.

Thank you, God. Thank you for loving me even when I act like I don’t love You. Use my life to be a praise to You and Your love.

|| Alyssa ||


Day 39: Dear Newest Best Friend

Hello, my sweet baby niece!

I know we haven’t officially met yet. I seriously can’t wait to meet you in a few short weeks. I’m writing you this letter to let you know what you’re getting yourself into. First of all, you are loved by the most incredible people on this earth. Your Lolo Lito and Lola Socky are some of the greatest people you will ever meet. They are giving, thoughtful, and quiet. They love Jesus, and it’s obvious. Lolo Lito will have lots of cool stories for you of how he grew up in the Philippines and how he met your Lola. Lola Socky will have lots of stories about your Daddy, too. There will be lots of funny stories about him. They love you so much already. Both Lolo and Lola flew more than 12 hours just to see you! They keep talking about you to all of their friends and coworkers. You’re pretty popular already! Anyway, Lolo and Lola will buy you ANYTHING. I just want you to keep that in mind as you choose your hobbies wisely. They love you to the moon and back. Don’t ever forget that.

Your Mommy and Daddy are pretty amazing, too. They love you more than anything in this world. They are going to teach you about Grace and the Gospel. I am sure of it. They are going to take you to the beach and probably even to their favorite shaved ice place on the North Shore where they chose your name. You’re going to grow up in Hawaii because of them. I think, that’s pretty cool. They love you already. Don’t be too hard on your Daddy. He’s really nervous, but I know he’ll do MORE than an amazing job being your daddy. They love you to the moon and back. Don’t forget that.

As far as I go, I can’t wait to braid your hair, show you how to play basketball, and teach you the piano. I am sorry I couldn’t be there to celebrate your birthday. I would have traded the world to be there, but it’s okay! God is teaching me so much by not being there. He’s teaching me faith and patience all through you already. You’re an incredible person already, Baby! I’ll always be here for you. I’ve been praying for you since I knew you were coming. In fact, I was praying for you before I knew you were coming. Baby, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by our God. Don’t you ever forget that. I adore you more than I have ever loved anyone on this earth. I can’t wait to be your Auntie Lys. I can’t wait to show you the meaning of the Gospel and Grace in YOUR life.

I love you. Forever and Always. Just like Jesus loves you!

Your Newest Best Friend,

Auntie Lys

Day 40: Finito

I love Sundays! I love Sundays, because I love the Church and corporate worship. I know my heart will always be encouraged and challenged every Sunday. This Sunday, I went to church with a friend that will be leaving for Africa soon so I’m trying to get all my “hangout” time with him before he takes off to Africa for a year and I, of course, head home. It was an incredible service. The sermon came from Romans 8. Here’s a quote that I contemplated all day:

“Now no condemnation” is an unconditional conclusion over you that endures for eternity because Christ’s finished work endures for eternity.

We are no longer condemned in the sight of the Lord. This means so much for me. This means I am liberated from a life that feels the need to “perform” in order to be in better standing with God. This means I am not in bondage to past failures or sins. This means when God looks at me, he sees the finished work of Christ. Seems like such a simple concept yet I have the toughest time believing this and living this.

I am a Child of the one true King. Because it is finished, there is nothing to add or take away. He took on Himself the sins of the world. He took on Himself my past, present, and future failures. I do not have to wallow in what I have done. I can live victoriously in what He has done.

When I realize this, I can now live a life of gratitude to the one who saved my soul and has given me new life. I no longer have to be scared of tomorrow or the future, because it is finished. He has written my story, and it is finished. I can do what He wills for me, because it is finished. I can live with joy and confidence in the hope HE has given, because it is finished.

This week after Bible Conference would be an easy week to start stressing again. I am determined through God’s Grace to rest instead of stress. Romans 8:5 says, “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” I want to see God’s sovereign hand navigate my daily actions. I want to live this week in light that it is all about the finished work of Christ.

God has spoon fed me what it means for Him to be sovereign. With the thoughts on the finished work of Christ and God’s sovereignty, I can’t help but finish with Isaiah 46:10. It reads, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.”

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow – There is hope, because of His finished work on the cross and His sovereignty in the universe.

I am His and He is mine.

|| A ||


Day 41: The Wonderings of the Weekend

It is so easy to just want to live for the weekends. The week gets so busy that you set your eyes towards the weekend for some relief. Instead, I know I ought to enjoy the week and the grace that makes the week possible. Lately, I feel like I’m just trying to make it to a time where I can sit for more than a couple of minutes. I do love this time though. There are so many new experiences! I’m learning so much. I know this busyness will be missed once this college phase is over.

I’m excited for what God has in store for each day for me again. I’ve been scared the past few weeks, but I’ve come to realize a lot in just a short amount of time.

Today, my roommates and I went to Ollie’s: The Bargain Outlet. Yes, it is very sketchy. Yes, we still look forward to making our Ollie trip every several of weeks. Anyway, I wasn’t planning on purchasing anything. However as my birthday roomie checked out, I noticed a giant bag of Sour Patch Kids. I love Sour Patch Kids. As I picked it up, I realized it was a special kind of bag. It was a bag that ONLY had the green and red Sour Patch Kids! I was probably a little too excited once I realized this. I bought the bag, of course.

I couldn’t believe that my favorite colors were in a bag by themselves. It was like a custom bag. And of course, it made me think. [What’s new?] It made me think of the very custom life God has for me. I don’t know what tomorrow may bring, but I do know that it is a custom life that God has ordained and already made possible through His finished work of Christ. He loves me. He has numbered every hair on my head. He has a specific plan for me. It all goes back to letting go and letting God. What a difficult concept to grasp day in and day out.

And yet, He still loves. Oh, how he loves me! He loves me so!

I’ve had a song of praise stuck in my head this whole day. The same line over and over again has been repeating: 10,000 reasons for me heart to sing!

By the way once the girls on my hall found out about my special bag of Sour Patch Kids, they were demolished. 😉

|| aly a. ||